Nothing signals that warmer weather is finally here than when we begin to grill outdoors. Here, boneless skinless chicken breasts are marinated overnight in an herbaceous yogurt marinade that tenderizes the chicken and ensures it stays juicy and flavorful while on the...
A nod to the flavors of chicken picatta, but easy enough for a busy weeknight thanks to the ease of Rosie’s pre sliced chicken breast. I designed this recipe to use only one frying pan and one sheet pan for minimal clean-up. For a complete dinner ready in 30 minutes,...
Who says chicken can’t be a special occasion protein? Save this recipe when you have something special to celebrate, and want a cozy, comforting dish that can be made ahead and heated up right before guests arrive. The crispy garlic and sage is what really makes this...
This is a great recipe for many reasons – The first being that it tastes wonderful, but it’s also pretty easy and fool proof, and most of the ingredients are ones that people already have in their fridge and pantry. It makes a great company meal when you want...